World Enders

freeplayfri(SORT OF)


Yes, I know.  I missed out on posting yesterday.  I’ve been trying to wrap up everything that needs to be done at the office before I check out for two weeks.  Well, pseudo-check out.  I have remote access to my desktop, my email is sent to my phone,  and I’ve some wrangling to do with some new copiers next week.  Such is the glamorous world of IT.  But, if I’d like there to be a fully-functioning network there when I get back, I need to at least keep one eye on what’s happening while I’m gone.

As for Freeplay Friday, here are some pictures of my Orks who lost an incredibly close game last night.  (It was also my last Escalation League game for the foreseeable future.)  If my damn Gorkanaut had been able to take down Urien Rakarth in the final seconds of the game I would’ve just barely eked out a victory.  Sadly, it turns out Mr. Gorkanaut is utterly inept at wielding that giant Klaw on his right arm.

gorkanautThe Gorkanaut in question…whose Klaw only looks scary.

flashgitz1Pirate Orks, aka “Flash Gitz”  (Still need to finish those tricorns.)

flashgitz2The bases are made of popsicle sticks and twine.

flashgitzcapGitz Pirate Captain.

orkbikez2Just finished these four Bikerz.  (Only eight more to go!)

orkbikerThe “road” is actually cork that I spray-painted black and gently brushed to look like concrete.

painboybike“Painboy” Biker.  Tried to give him a rusty “ambulance” look.

And that’s it.  Again, sorry I missed my daily post on Friday.  Things are getting hectic here near the end.  (My refrigerator just went out too.  Lovely.)

See you Monday.


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