The Usual

Things seem to have settled down for the time being.

**knocks on wood**

I’m feeling like a human being again. I do occasionally suffer a little weakness/dizziness around the end of the day, but it’s nothing at all how I was last week at this time.
I’ve gotten reasonably caught up at work after the holidays/flu debacle.
I’m staring down a weekend here in about 24 hours.  And it’s a long one for Jen!  We just might be able to wrap up those last 2 episodes of WestWorld…
Daphne is healthy and happy.  Although she did decide 4:30am was a fantastic time for an impromptu crib party this morning, and yowled over the baby monitor until I came upstairs and joined her.  She tossed and turned and whined for over an hour, during which time I failed to fall asleep in the chaise lounge. (It’s situated uncomfortably close to the pee pee efreeti.) I finally gave up and carried her downstairs at around 5:45 so I could try to manage another hour of rest before work.  Naturally, she fell asleep about 20 minutes before I needed to get up and shower.

“Oh. Are you tired, Dad? Then allow me to sing for you.”

Anyway, things are good.  And I’m taking a moment to pause and be both mindful and thankful for that.  Particularly for my health and for that of my household.  I really hated having to hide away from my family all last weekend.

Okay, see you tomorrow.


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