Liberty Fail

All right, let’s get this out of the way.  I didn’t take a single picture of Daphne for the 4th of July.

I know.  I have no excuse.  I just didn’t take any.

And she was doing all sorts of adorable things at my brother’s house, too.

Tromping around the backyard grass in her festive star-spangled sundress.
Belly laughing at the dog playing fetch.
Absconding with other children’s toys.
Trying to open all the cabinets.
Mashing all the buttons on their oven.

Yep, full-on Bumblefail.
I’m sorry.

I did, however, get some pictures of her very first intake of red meat, which her mother cleverly camouflaged with marinara sauce.

spaghettibeef1*sigh*  “Whaddya want, Dad?”

spaghettibeef2“Oh hey, you’ve got the video-watching thing!”

spaghettibeef3“Yeah, let me finish up dinner and then I’ll totally be down for some Sesame Street.”

spaghettibeef4“Oh that Super Grover…  I wonder what he’ll fly into today.”

spaghettibeefintheway“Okay, now I need you to get out of the way, Dad.  Fred & Fiona are on.”

That’s pretty American, right?


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