On Holiday

Yes, I was conspicuously absent on the posting front yesterday.  Sorry about that.

A friend/co-worker and I got an early pass from work to go see Rogue One, and that little event took much longer than originally anticipated.  (The theater had some minor technical difficulties.)  And yes, the movie was fantastic.  I honestly think it’s the best Star Wars film since Empire Strikes Back, however I seem to be in the minority in that opinion…

Today’s post is late because, well…  Okay, I don’t really have a good excuse for that.  Other than I’ve had the day off and it kinda felt like a weekend?  So it didn’t occur to me that I needed to post until just now.  Not a good reason, I know…  I did get through almost the entirety of season one of Mr. Robot though, which was equal parts fun and terrifying for someone who works in IT security.

And speaking of work, I’m actually off until after New Year’s.  Which means the posting around here is likely to be sporadic during Holiday Daphne Time.

And Santa hasn’t even come yet…

I shall endeavor to post when I find the time, but I can’t promise I’ll be able to do so with any regularity.  (Hey, this is a digital cottage industry here…)

I do promise to spend lots of time behind the camera, and come back to the normal weekday routine in January with plenty of stories/photos of our favorite girl and her second Christmas.

Until then, from our family to yours, I truly wish you all the merriest of Christmases.  Thanks for coming by and being part of ours.



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