Okay, Let’s Bounce


So there wasn’t much in the way of downtime this weekend, but I traded said downtime for Daphne time.  And while that sorta thing can be a bit tiring, it is unquestionably a good trade.

Saturday we went to a birthday party for the son of some old friends, which ended up being the perfect way to spend an afternoon.  Jen and I haven’t had a chance to get out and be social with…you know, people in quite a while.  So it was really nice to simply be around friends, even if it was only for a short time.

And Daphne had her first foray into bouncy castles.

bouncewalk1“No.  I got it, Daddy.”

bounceclimbI just…climb up.

bounceclimb1Like this!


Which naturally reminded me of the night I met her mother.  (Probably because some of the same people were in attendance.)

fewthingshavechangedsinceOf course, a few things were different back then…

BumbleDay saw another Adventure in Homebodiness.  We watched videos, rode around in the princessmobile, had an all-too-brief nap…

daphjibnaptimeupstairs1Jib LOVES the upstairs naptime.

 …and we read every single book in the house, twice.  My throat is pretty sore today from all the singing/making different voices.

All worth it, of course.

Okay, lots to do.  See you tomorrow.


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