Enter The International


Yes, I’ve calmed down since yesterday’s post.  But what you didn’t see was that WordPress ate the entirety of the first copy post, after I’d finished it.  All drafts gone.  Zero restore points.
I had to start over on a blank page, and type the entire post again from memory.  (Which is why it ended up a bit shoddy; I was pretty irritated by that point.)  Anyway, I’m better now; thank you.

So this promises to be a pretty good gaming weekend.  Tonight and tomorrow are the Magic: Origins pre-release tournaments, and so I’ll undoubtedly be tappin’ dat mana from a chair in my living room.

And Sunday begins the “Wild Card” round of The International, which now has a prize pool of $17.3 million dollars and climbing.  If you have any interest in watching what may very well become an historic event in gaming, you can do so at DOTA2.COM, starting at Noon Eastern, 11 Central.

blog_ti5_announcementThe real rounds begin next Monday.

Speaking of which, why do people list times like that?  Announcers on television always communicate showtimes as “X, Y Central.”

Catch Neil Diamond as Vacendak in the Freejack reboot!  8, 7 Central.
Bill Cosby stars in the family favorite, Leonard 7: The Chloroform Connection.  9, 8 Central.
Barbarella III: Accordions of Naughtiness. At 11, 10 Central!

You get the idea.

I guess it’s so people don’t assume the time that was given was their local time.  But, if that’s the case, why not just give the Eastern time and be done with it?  Do people really not know how time zones work?

time-zone-clockSee?  Simple.

Okay, I’ll see you guys Monday.  Have a fantastic weekend.


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