New Archives

You probably didn’t notice, but I spent some time transferring all of my old published articles here yesterday, and added a link to them on the top bar called, “Writing Portfolio.”

So if you’re ever bored while waiting for a new post from me, or desperately need a BumbleFix over the weekend, you’re welcome to peruse some of these (decidedly mediocre) articles that I wrote 10 years ago for an awful magazine here in Texas.

I actually reread a few yesterday as I was uploading them, and some are pretty damn embarrassing.

Although, in my defense, I had some editors that were good.  And others that were…not so good.

Like the one who apparently had never heard of the City of Dis, and subsequently changed it to, “City of DJs” on the assumption that I’d made a typo. Or another who would simply write her own stuff and include it on the page with mine, without annotating it as hers.  (And her stuff was really, really bad…)

It was always an adventure on the first Thursday of the month, when the new issue would hit the stands.  I’d sit down at Onion Creek with my morning coffee, take a deep breath, then flip to my article to see how badly they screwed up my prose.

Speaking of Onion Creek, that was actually my only request for Father’s Day.  I’d like to take Daphne to the O.C. in the morning, sit on the patio with coffee and a croissant, and relax for a little while.

onioncreekfrontSo.  Many.  Nights.  Here.

Hopefully she’ll cooperate with that plan.

mischevousoncouchI guess we’ll see, won’t we Daddy?


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