

I don’t know where this post is going to go, so you’ll have to bear with my meandering. There’s a lot to cover.

First, we had a bit of cool weather last week, which was a wonderful respite from the disgusting, humid heat that we’ve endured long after the summer should have been over. The low was in the high 30’s, which totally counts as “cold weather,” even for someone who spent a long time living in a very cold clime.


Dust off the coat!

And now, let’s talk about Halloween…

Rock the Spectrum was throwing their Halloween party on Saturday evening, and so we headed there right after little Snow White here had her nap.


Halloween itself, however, was a bit of a bust.
It poured for most of the afternoon and continued to drizzle long into the evening. Couple that with a doctor visit earlier that day for a flu shot (which happened to conflict with naptime) and Daph was in no mood for trick or treating…or anything at all for that matter. So she went to bed at around 8.

Which means we have all these Snickers and Reese’s that weren’t passed out to children. And each one of those little Fun-Sized bastards screams my name from the depths of their candy bowl the moment I get home from work.

Okay, let’s talk about work.

Let’s see…I suppose I can dress this up in several different outfits, can’t I?

CorpSpeak: Due to fluctuations in the healthcare market the parent company has decided to consolidate its interests and reassess its risk priorities.
Accountants: Assets and FTEs in the satellite office are not cost-effective.
Motivational Poster: When one door closes, another one opens.

Real Talk: I’ve been laid off.

Yes, they’re closing our office next month and they’re throwing all of us out.

I’m not allowed to discuss the particulars of this because of the litigious tenets involved in my severance package. Suffice to say: I’m disappointed. I’m angry. And I’m scared.

I’d actually already been looking for a new job, but that’s been slow going and, naturally, I don’t know how long that will take. Or if we’ll still be able to afford our house when I do find one. And finally, any new position would undoubtedly carry a different work schedule than the one I’ve had for the past 3 years, so my mornings with Daphne will be a thing of the past.

I guess I’m just lucky I had them at all.

See you soon.


2 Comments on “Timelines

  1. I love seeing your posts! Excellent writing surpassed only by the beauty of Daphne!!
    I’ve been thinking a LOT about y’all!

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