The Freckle Freak Out

I have been accused, at times, of being a bit overzealous in my health diagnoses.

And I must sheepishly admit to this being true.  I tend to err on the side of Google’s worst case scenario when it comes to health problems.

So, when I noticed a strange freckle at the tip of Daphne’s nose last week, the floodgates of medical info assimilation crashed open.

frecklemaybe1What?  Whaddya mean you can’t see it?

It’s right there!  Clear as daylight’s damaging UV rays!

Yeah, I know.  I’m not right.  (Real talk:  how far did you have to lean in to your monitor/zoom in your phone to see that?)

If you were to check my search history that morning, it would show things like, “freckles nose toddler,” “what are freckles?” “freckle health risk,” and “are freckles permanent?
That being said, you really don’t want to look at my search history.  (For example, this morning’s highlights were, “decoction,” “Avalanches new album,” “average weight of Pokèmon” and “ostrich helmet.”  Don’t judge.)

ostrich-helmetApparently this is an Ostrich Helmet.  And it is amazing.  You’re welcome. 

Anyway, by Thursday I got a text from Jen’s mom saying that the “freckle” had come off, and was probably just a scab from a scratch or something.

 nofreckleshere1Decidedly free of melanin muddling.

So, um…  Yeah.




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