Pretzel Naps & Paychecks

Some random thoughts for the day…

Yes.  Daphne can sleep like this, even when leaning against a snoring Jib, for hours at a time.


If I were to contort into this position, I’d be lucky to ever become untangled.  Fortunately it doesn’t seem to bother her in the slightest…


*blink* *blink*

That’s my little girl…


I will never understand how something so beautiful can share my ogreish genes.  So glad she takes after her mother there…

In other news, I just received my cheque for finishing the proofreading job for Fantasy Flight.  So I guess my efforts at cleaning up that little tale were good enough to actually merit being paid…

firstproofreadingdollarThe ceremonial “first dollar.”

It will translate into a little Christmas bonus for the household, which is nice.

Okay, back to work.  See you tomorrow.


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