Back to 99s

We’ve gone back to the mild fever thing again.

Daphne has been running between 99.7-100.7 since Saturday night and has a horribly stuffy nose to go with it.

“I don’t feel good, Daddy…”

I noticed that, when we went to Tookie’s on Saturday for my dad’s birthday, she was drooling like crazy.  This is something she hasn’t done in a really long time, so I just assumed that she had another molar coming in.  (I seriously doubt she was salivating over the #198s at Tookie’s…)

But then her nose started running, and I began to wonder if it was a tooth after all.

Honestly, I’m still not sure.

I mean, it could be the combination of allergies (there’s a ton of pollen in the air right now) along with a tooth coming in.  Or I could Occam’s razor this thing and just assume that she’s caught yet another cold.

Anyway, we’ve been alternating between Tylenol and Motrin, neither of which have brought her temperature down to a normal range.  I guess we need to work some Zyrtec in there somewhere too, but it seems like the first step is to get rid of the fever, then address the symptoms.

It doesn’t seem to be fazing her all that much though:

Clearly it bothers me more than her.


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