Baby Palate

So we’re branching out from the generic, “Stage 1” fruit mix that we’ve been adding to Daphne’s gruel rice cereal, and have officially started the…


Which really just means they’ve added a couple new flavors to the mix, rather than solely “Apple” or “Banana” or “Peach” or “Moose Cheese.”

Speaking of which, Jen tried to give her some sweet potatoes over the weekend but got quite a bit of pushback on it.  We still have some carrots and squash that we’re planning on trying, but if her palate is anything like her old man’s then we could be in for a veggie fight there.

Besides, so far nothing has even come close to the gastronomic grandeur of:

beechnutapplecinamLike a jar of baby catnip.

Seriously, she can’t get enough of this stuff.  So much so that I think we might start ladling it to her directly from the jar rather than bothering with the rice cereal.

babypalatepic“What do you mean ‘it’s gone‘?”


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