Of Squalls and Snoozing

So we had a pretty decent thunderstorm roll through last night.

IMG_2217There’s our creek..

The path we walk every Bumbleday is somewhere underneath all that water.

But we’ve been pretty dry these past few weeks, and it looks like the worst of the storms are over, so this should recede pretty quickly.

Fortunately, Daphne didn’t wake up once during a pretty intense thunder/lightning display at around 1am.  Jib, however, was a complete basket case.  He kept running from room to room, trying to get away from the thunder and crying.

Poor guy.  He looked particularly frazzled when we got up this morning.

jibthatsucked“That.  Sucked.”

Hopefully he’ll get some decent naptime in today and will have forgotten all about it by this evening.


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