
Hi there.

The weekend was fine, and filled with a lot of Magic Online sealed deck tournaments.  No, strike that.  A lot of losing Magic Origins tournaments. (I absolutely despise core sets; I’m glad this is the last one they’re doing.)  But I’ve bolstered my Standard collection, which was kinda the point.  So all’s well.

Sundays, however, have become The BumbleDay.  Jen teaches her Pure Barre class in the morning, and so it’s just me and the Daph for most of the a.m./early afternoon.  And the gigglin’?  It is copious.


We start things off by hitting Joovy Yahd for a little while, which is when dad harkens back to the days of yore when he worked as a kids’ coach at Discovery Zone.  (Yes, really.)

discoveryzoneThe 90’s…  A simpler time.

I’d help kids ascend a giant foam mountain in the center of a ball pit by propping their feet with my hands as they’d pull their way up using a nylon strap.  I do a similar thing with Daphne, propping her little feet with my hands so she can kick and “scoot” her way across the playmat during Tummah Time! like an adorable, vibrant, bald little penguin.

Then we have a post-workout bottle, which almost immediately necessitates a diaper swap or two.  Then we settle in for a little educational programming.

This Sunday, for example, it was Master & Commander: The Far Side of the World.  Fortunately, Daphne is fascinated by her father’s commentary on all the things that are wrong with films.  This stands in direct contrast to all other human beings on the planet, who typically roll their eyes and tell me to be quiet.

After which, we watched The Hustler.

hustler-gleason-newmanStill fantastic.

Usually by this point she’s dozing off, so I put her into her swing and try to clean up all the destruction we’ve wrought in the house before mom gets home.

And honestly?  I can’t ask for better days…


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