A Free Moment

Hi there.

Jen has taken Little Miss Daphne to see her great-grandmother,  so I find myself with a free moment to say, “hello.”

The presents are built and wrapped, the dogs have their gifts ready to go, and I’ve dropped off over 4 bags of toys to the local fire station for their Xmas eve giveaway.

The only thing that’s missing is proper holiday weather; it’s ridiculously warm here.  As I was driving around earlier the thermometer in the Juke read 84.

On Christmas Eve, eve.

So I’ve taken to streaming the Utah State University webcam on my television, and staring longingly at what Christmas is supposed to look/feel like.

cachevalleystreampicClick on the above picture for Christmas, Texans.

Thought I’d share it here for others who might be having a t-shirt & shorts kinda holiday too.

Okay, see you ’round.


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