Catch Up

You know, all you need is holiday in your life to truly screw up your schedule.  Either that or I’m just trying to fit way too much stuff into the next 24 hours.

So we’ve been trying to claw our way out from under the destruction that Christmas wrought on our house.  (Don’t get me wrong, it’s a lovely destruction…)

postxmas tidy

I just left the Nissan dealership after getting the Juke serviced, wrapped up the very last of my Xmas shopping, I’m scheduled to go to tai chi class at 6, and to top it off I think I’m starting to come down with whatever it was that Daphne had.

Oh, that and Jib decided to make mudcastles outside in the middle of the night, then happily jumped into bed with us and covered our brand new L.L. Bean sheets/duvet in brown paw prints.


On a positive note, it sounds like Daphne is starting to get over whatever crud she picked up on Christmas Eve.  She’s a bit less hoarse than she was.  That’s definitely a good thing.

Okay, no time for posting Dr. Jones.  Will talk to you guys soon.


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